This antique map, created in 1665 and titled ‘Dwina Flvvivs’, depicts the Dwina River in Russia. In the early 17th Century, Russia was ruled by the Romanov dynasty and was slowly expanding its territory. The country was predominantly agricultural, with a large peasant population, and had a developing economy based on trade and commerce. The Dwina River was an important trade route, connecting the interior of Russia to the Baltic Sea and beyond. The region depicted on the map was known for its timber and fur trade, with towns such as Severodvinsk, Novodvinsk, and Kholmogory located centrally. The map provides a glimpse into the geography and trade routes of Russia during this era.
Arkhangelsk Oblast
Arkhangelsk Oblast | Severodvinsk, Novodvinsk, Kholmogory, Koryazhma
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