This antique map, created in 1665, is titled ‘Livonia, Vulgo Lyefland’. Translated, this means ‘Livonia, commonly known as Lyefland’. Estonia in the early 17th Century was part of the larger region of Livonia, which also included parts of modern-day Latvia. The region was heavily contested by neighbouring countries, with Russia to the east and Sweden to the west vying for control. The Livonian War, which lasted from 1558 to 1583, had a profound impact on the region and its people. The cities of Helsinki, Riga, and Tallinn, located centrally on the map, were all major trading centres at the time. To the north lies the Gulf of Finland, while to the south are the countries of Latvia and Lithuania. The map likely shows the various towns, forests, and hills that made up the region, giving us a glimpse into what Estonia looked like in the early modern period.
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